Alright friends... honesty hour. This past decade was not an easy one. The transition from a young teenager to a young adult is no joke. But somehow I made it through all the tears, drama, heartbreak, etc. On the other side, there was an abundant amount of laughs, adventures, and memories made with friends and family that I will never forget. In the past 10 years, I've learned so much about who I am, what I want, what REAL friends are like, what love feels like (the good and the bad), and most importantly how to be the best possible version of myself.
At the end of 2019, I sat down and had a little chat with myself.
"2020 is going to be MY year," I said.
Late last year I made the decision to quit my full time job because it wasn't making me happy anymore. I didn't feel rewarded and at the end of the day I was just plain burnt out. Let me tell you something... no, you're not going to feel "happy" or "satisfied" all the time, that's not human. But if you're unhappy all the time, leave whatever it is that makes you feel that way. It could be your job, a toxic relationship, a college degree you're not passionate about anymore—doesn't matter, leave it all behind you and never look back. You can only go up from here.
So here we are now in 2020, a new decade! I'm off on a new career path following my dreams of owning my own digital marketing company. I knew starting my own business was not going to be easy so I wanted my New Years Resolutions to reflect that and push me to not just be successful with my work, but with my personal goals as well.
"Dry January" (al-coh-ol you later): We all could use a break sometimes, why not try a whole month? Starting your own company is HARD WORK and means that I have to be on top of my game every day. Dry January = wake up every day feeling ready to work! Besides avoiding the hangovers, I really want to focus on my health this year. I had some health issues last year that were never sorted out... 15 days in and I can honestly say I feel better, my skin looks better and I look less inflamed/bloated. Who knows, maybe I'll keep this sober thing up for a while!
Publish 2 or 3 Blog Posts Every Week: Yes, I'm in the midst of a new business, but who's to say I can't be a blogger as well? You might not know this about me but my major in college was Journalism a.k.a. I LOVE to tell stories and write. (Go GREEN btw!) In the past, I've had blogs and tried to stay on top of them but finding time to sit down and write freely can be challenging. This year though, I really want to stay on top of this blog. Topics will include recipes of all kinds, health tips, restaurant recommendations, food education, food politics in America (a topic I am VERY passionate about), and more!
Read Books More Often: Okay, I'm a social media guru. I read articles all the time about all sorts of topics. But when is the last time I picked up and read a physical book you ask? Ummmm, I couldn't even tell you. Reading improves memory, helps some positivity shine through and cuts stress. I'll try to read more books about food so that I can better educate YOU!
Make More Homemade Meals: It's true, time is the most precious gift. Unfortunately, if you're a crazy lady like me, you don't get much of it. I might have to change my sleep schedule to make this resolution happen (I'm a total night owl), but I think it'd be worth it. Plus, that means more pictures and recipes to post on my Instagram & blog.
Meatless Weekdays: No, I'm not about to go all out vegan on you guys, I still very much love meat but I've also been learning a lot about meat in the United States specifically lately and let's just say I'm not the biggest fan of what the FDA approves for us to eat. You can look at any other country, there's not a single one that supplies and produces meat like we do. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm extremely passionate about toxins in food, preservatives, artificial dyes, etc... so this ties into that!
Five New Years Resolutions to *fingers crossed* make 2020 the best year yet! Wishing everyone a happy and successful year ahead.
P.S. I would love to hear some of your New Years Resolutions! Comment below :)